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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Calculating the real age of your body.

There is a saying we all know too well and it says “You’re only as old as you feel”. We all believe in this saying and most people have used it as a source of inspiration to do more youthful things. We see people with potbellies going to d gym. Old people trying to jog and so on. It is a phrase that we all want to believe in.

But that saying is actually very literal we are actually as old as we feel. We have an age that is determined by the day we were born but there is also an age for our body based on its level of deterioration. Your body can be older or younger than your real age depending on your lifestyle.

Despite this being a grabby expression, it’s not just a cute catchphrase, and it rings true for many of us. Age is just a number and it doesn’t ultimately matter what that number says. It matters what you do with that number.

Find Out Your “Fitness Age”

There is a test I read about online that one can take to determine our actual body age. It takes into account various aspect of our lifestyle to determine our body deterioration. I actually found out my body is 1year younger than i actually am. You can give it a go by clicking here. 

Ways to Keep Our Body Young.

Expunge Stress from your life
Stress is one of the main factors that make us age real fast. When we worry so much, we age faster. This will lead to an elevation of our blood pressure. A high blood pressure is the greatest cause of aging. Calm yourself at all times, laugh when you should and worry less because it never solves anything but leaves you damaged.

Eat healthy
Our eating habits especially in this part of the world contribute a whole lot to the degree of our body aging. It is part of our lifestyle so we need to take good note of what goes into our mouth. The Asians live long because they eat right. Cut down on the calories, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and you will be amazed.

Exercise regularly
I know we all know this, we need to include at least 30minutes daily workouts in our lifestyle. There was something that used to work for me and that is you should find a routine or sport that you enjoy and it will be very easy.

Sleep at least for 6-8hours daily
Go for routine medical check-up at least twice a year.
It is very important you take good care of your body so as to live a long and healthy life only then can you talk about fulfilling you full potentials.

Stay healthy this season guys!!!   

Posted via Blogaway

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