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Monday, July 1, 2013

What Are the Sneakiest Ways to Cheat on a Test?

Photoshop a Drink Label

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Cheating on a test is not recommended -- it can get you a failing grade, suspension, or even expulsion! If you feel you really need to cheat, then try these sneaky methods at your own risk.
If you have any skills with computers and graphics software, you can pull off this popular cheat method. Scan in the drink label of a water or soda bottle, edit the text in place of normal text or on the back, print it off, and paste it back onto the bottle. To keep the teacher from seeing the answers, keep the bottle on the floor until you take a drink.

Kleenex Cheat Sheet

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Kleenex are one of the few things that a teacher might allow on your desk during a test. If you pretend to have the sniffles, you can pull out a tissue and read the notes that you wrote on it with pencil beforehand. After getting the answers you need, blow your nose and rub out the answers when you crumple up the tissue.

Buy the Instructor's Edition Textbook

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Some teachers take their test questions right out of the book. If you can get your hands on an instructor's edition textbook, you'll be able to see all the answers before the test and breeze through with ease! Just make sure that nobody finds about your little helper or you'll be in big trouble.

Graphing Calculator Archive

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Most teachers know that you can store large amounts of data in a graphing calculator, but its necessary for many advanced math classes. If you store your notes in an archived file, they won't be deleted when your teacher comes around and clears out the memory before a test.

Write on the Desk

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The old tried and true method of writing on your desk is still one of the most popular and effective ways of cheating. Most desks have a plastic surface that allow you to jot down some important notes before the test and then rub away the answers with your wrist to destroy the evidence.

Borrow an Old Copy of the Test

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Most teachers don't change their test from semester to semester, so you can ask a friend who already took the class for his old test copy. Work through all the problems and try to memorize the correct answers. Even if the teacher changes the questions, you'll have actually done some studying anyway.

Erasable Evidence

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Those giant pink erasers never really seemed that useful, but they're a great way to cheat during a test. Write your notes on the bottom of an eraser and simply rub out the evidence when you're done using it.

Write on Your Wrist

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Writing on your hand is a good way to get caught, but writing    on your wrist is a much sneakier idea. Simply slide back your long sleeve to reveal the cheat notes and slide it back to hide it when the teacher walks by your desk.

Tape Caper

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The problem with writing on your arm or skin is that the answers don't disappear in case you get caught. Instead, try writing the answers on piece of clear tape and then sticking that tape on your shirt sleeves or arms. You can just peel off the tape and crumple it up to dispose of the evidence.

Signal System

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One of the more complex cheating systems students have figured out uses signals to communicate answers during the test. There's a seperate signal for each multiple choice option, such as pulling your ear for A, which is done along with showing the question number using your fingers. The trick is finding signals that aren't too obvious.

Ace Up Your Sleeve

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Record all of your important notes into an mp3 file before you take a test. You can stick your media player in your pocket, run an earbud up your sleeve, and listen to all the answers by leaning your head against your hand while you take the test!

Hide Notes in a Pen

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Pens and mechanical pencils are perfect places to hide notes when teachers demand that you clear off your desk. Wait until the test is well-underway, pop open the pen, and now you have a handy set of crib notes.


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Write the answers or notes for your test on the underside of a large band-aid. Loosen the adhesive using water so that you can sneak a peak during your test. Dab a little ketchup on it to make it look more realistic, but make sure not to smear your answers!

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