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Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Bush Babies" Real or Myth?

Hi guys, i woke up today only to be hit with the news of Bush baby sightings in Ibadan, south west Nigeria. Scary to some, ridiculous so some others, but the real question is do they actually exist? I am a kind of person who goes by the " seeing is believing" philosophy. If you would ask me, I'll say i do not believe they exist, i may be wrong tho, but you can't totally blame me simply because i haven't seen an "ACTUS REUS" to prove their existence as well as their activities.
Ever since i was born, i have heard a lot of stories surrounding bush babies and their relationships with human beings which I'm sure some of you guys have heard also. Stories like how a man can become incredibly wealthy within the space of seven days if he successfully keeps the mats of these creatures as well as endures their disturbances at night. The story sounds ridiculously absurd but many Nigerians have held on to this and some have even gone to the extent of putting it into practice. Lol, how shocking, but its true. Well, being the curious person that i am; i wanted to probe more so i hit my google page early this morning and checked what "ifa" had to say about this myth. According to my little research, i figured out that bush babies were actually in existence but not exactly in the context in which historical stories had described it. This morning, my friend who happens to live in Ibadan was all over my BBM whining about how evil Ibadan is and his encounter with bush babies last night lol, not funny to him tho.  Here is what wikipedia has to say...

Galagos /ɡəˈleɪɡoʊz/, also known as bushbabies, bush babies or nagapies (meaning "little night monkeys" in Afrikaans), are small, nocturnal[2] primates native to continental Africa, and make up the family Galagidae (also sometimes called Galagonidae). They are sometimes included as a subfamily within the Lorisidae or Loridae.

According to some accounts, the name "bush baby" comes from either the animal's cries or its appearance. The South African name nagapie comes from the fact that they are almost exclusively seen at night.

Galagos are said to have evolved 40–50 million years ago from slow-moving prosimians that could not compete with larger, faster primates in Africa. The competition was much less at night, so they evolved into the bush babies they are today.[3]

In both variety and abundance, the bush babies are the most successful primitive primates in Africa, according to the African Wildlife Foundation...

So you see? It might just be a misunderstanding or something, but the descriptions are kinda related. The Nigerian myth says that the bush babies sound like real crying human babies and that they do this at night. This is similar to what wiki says about these creatures being nocturnal animals. Logically speaking, i think we have found our mystery creature. GALAGOS!
Like i always say, i still might be wrong. What do you guys think? have you seen something contrary before? Or rather scary? Feel free to enlighten us coz me i don't know oo!. If you have got any pictures to prove this, kindly feel free to e-mail me at thanks.

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1 comment:

  1. lol, nice post, i share the same view as you do sir. i hear people say alot about these things but have not seen any. they kinda look cute tho lol
